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AMMAN Al Essra Hospital  
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Al -Essra Hospital is one of the modern hospitals in Jordan which includes all the medical specialist with 160 beds, that has the most development equipments and medical machines and most qualified specialist doctors.

In 28/8/1996 stature group from sons of this country in leadership of the doctor Nael Zaidan Al-Masaleh convened to establish Al-Aula Medical Investment company with initial capital investment of (700) thousand Dinar. This was proceeded by five pioneers who worked days and night on transferring their ideas and plans into reality through the announcement of the establishment of the Al-Essra Hospital. Group of 36 partners were chosen accompanied the announcement and a piece of land in front of the Jordan University Mosque was chosen to build the hospital. After that inviting new partners continued to raise sufficient capital to finish the project.

In early 1998, the contractors started the construction of the building. At the same time we started rewarding the contracts for the specialized companies to equips the hospital and purchase furniture and medical devices needed for the operation. So the construction of the building was done with the installation of the medical devices and furniture and the announcement of the opening the hospital for patients was in 11/9/2001. The hospital started operation with 100 beds and 24 clinic that covered most of the medical specialties capacity and in short time that did not exceed 36 months. In the four months proceeded the opening the hospital a complete qualified staff was chosen to operate the hospital. At the beginning, we opened the major sections of the hospital like the emergency, some operation rooms, CCU-ICU, radiology, medical labs, and 3 floors for staying in the hospital. Despite from difficulty of the beginnings in the first months, the management worked so hard to establish a trust between the hospital and patients as well as the trust of doctors in the hospital readiness for patient treatment. One of the major challenges was in attracting patients from the bothers in the Arab world. We started our journey from Yemen after four months from the operation date. After that we moved to Sudan and other Arab countries, which empowered us to receive and serve very complicated cases from inside and outside Jordan.

In early summer of 2002, the demand for our services increased to the point where we started operating all floors to receive patients. Also, we started all operation rooms, endoscopies surgery, kidney dialysis, and endoscope department. Also, we established and start operating Heart and Blood Vessel Catheterization department with the latest devices and technology in early 2003.

In early summer of 2003, we established and start operating a specialized operating room for the heart and blood vessels surgery. With that advancement, the hospital became ready to receive all complicated cases and perform surgeries like heart, chest, blood vessels, brain, bones, pediatric, and endoscope by Jordanian experienced hands.

The hospital continue advancements after operating all departments and started offering a complete set of medical services. We had to distinguished ourselves from others from quality of service, degree of proficiency, and caring for our patients, that is when we developed and raised the motto "Distinguished by caring for you" hoping to reach distinguished medical services. In the shadow of support and encouragement we receive from patients, during 2004 we developed IVF, Prematurely Baby's, Eyes surgery departments as well as increase the capacity of Kidneys dialysis units. Despite the development never stopped, we keep introducing new services and devices like Bone Density Scan (QDR), Breast Mammogram, device to break kidneys stones, and updating the medical lab devices.

2005 is considered a new reborn for the hospital regarding growth and development, due to the increased growth numbers and volume of work. The sales numbers are growing which means that we are gaining market share and our patients are happy with our services and confident in our doctors and their capabilities. The number of Arab patients who received treatment in our hospital has increased during the last months.

Building on top of the last five years success and growth, we will start building a new medical complex near the current location of the hospital which includes large number of specialty clinics and treatment centers as well as certify the hospital to be a center for practice and training of doctors and their preparation in specialization. And to achieve these goals, we have hired a specialized company to prepare the hospital to get the International Quality Certification in medical services.
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